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Student Advice: Learning Online

Five Tips for Attending Online Classes during Covid-19

Social distancing has brought about a lot of uncertainties and changes. As we make the switch to remote learning, we understand things may seem overwhelming. Follow these five tips to help you get the most out of online classes.

Get Dressed

This may seem like a small thing, but it will influence your mindset for the day. Getting dressed will signal to your body that it's time to focus for school. If you stay in your lounge clothes you will be tempted to relax.

Set Up a Workspace

Have a dedicated work area. If possible, pick somewhere in your house where you can get away from noise and distractions. Ideally, your space will be well lit, comfortable and quiet. Going to the same space every day will help build a routine.

Become Familiar With The Program

Before the start of your class download the program your class will be using and get familiar with it. Go through all the features and make sure you understand how to use it. Also, make sure your computer's speakers and camera are working properly. Doing this beforehand will ensure a quick and seamless transition to online learning.

Avoid Distractions

Learning online makes it easier to be tempted by distractions. Treat your online class as you would a face to face one. Keep the tv off, or better yet set yourself up in a room that doesn't have one. Close any unneeded web-browsers, and set your phone on silent. If your phone is a big distraction, turn the data off so you won't be tempted to browse social media. Try and keep your focus on your teacher as you would in a classroom.


To make the most out of online learning make sure you are participating. This will help you absorb what the teacher is saying and it helps you to stay focused. When you are participating the concepts will become more clear and anything you don't understand will become evident. Your class time is a great way to get real-time answers from your professor.

During this time of social distancing it's important to stay calm and focused. By following the above five tips you can help make this online transition go a little smoother. If you have any questions or need help getting set up, please reach out to us for assistance. We are happy to help and want to see each one of our students succeed!


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