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Shortage Of Personal Support Workers in Ontario

Ontario is facing a rapidly increasing shortage of Personal Support Workers (PSW). What exactly does this mean? There are people receiving shorter visits, some are unable to get home visits at all, and there are patients in the hospital who are ready to return home but are unable to do so as there is no available PSWs.

With the aging population, this shortage will continue to grow. Personal Support Workers are in high demand and full-time work is easily findable for those who are qualified.

Our 35-week PSW program will have you job ready with the confidence and skills needed to be successful in the field. We use a combination of in class and hands-on learning, this technique will not only ensure that you understand the theory but also the practice as well.

If you are someone who likes to make a difference and has a passion for helping people then the Personal Support Worker Program may be right for you.

Our Education Consultants are here to answer any questions and to help get you started!


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